St Quentins Clinical Psychology is situated in the heart of Claremont in Suite 10 of the Saint Quentins building at 40 St Quentin Avenue. We’ve included directions and maps on this page to help you get to a session. Visit our psychologists’ pages for phone and email contact details.
Saint Quentins Building map


Suite 10 / 40 St Quentin Avenue
WA 6010

Google Map

Use the Google Map on this page to find our location. For more options, you can visit the Google Maps website directly.


Free parking is available under the Claremont Quarter (entrances on Gugeri Street and O’Beirne Street). There is limited street parking.

Public Transport

The practice is easily accessible by train (Claremont train station) or bus (Stirling Highway routes).

Directions once you get here

You can use the building map on this page and/or follow these directions when you get to the entrance on St Quentin Avenue:

  1. Head up the steps from St Quentin Avenue to the large courtyard.
  2. Cross the courtyard to the building diagonally opposite (past the water feature on your right).
  3. Take the passageway on the left, head up the corridor and we are the last suite on the left.